W.W. Lee Chapter No. 72
Holy Royal Arch Masons
Fredericksburg, VA 22408
Charterd in 1976
Our Chapter History

In 1975, fourteen (14) men desiring to establish a chapter of Royal Arch Masons in Fredericksburg, Virginia applied to Most Excellent Grand Height Priest William A. Bragg, King Cyrus Grand Chapter, Holy Royal Arch Masons, Prince Hall Affiliation, to become a warranted chapter in the jurisdiction of Virginia. In February 1976, Warren W. Lee Chapter began work under dispensation. On March 18, 1976 the Chapter was assessed $46.00 for a charter. Warren W. Lee Chapter #72 received its Charter during the 103rd Annual Convocation of King Cyrus Grand Chapter, Holy Royal Arch Masons, in the city of Norfolk, Virginia on September 17, 1976. The Chapter takes its name from Most Worshipful Past Grand Master (MWPGM) Warren W. Lee who served from 1934 to 1936. MWPGM Lee was a member of Prince Hall Lodge #61 Fredericksburg Virginia at 609 Sophia Street until the building was sold to the city in 2011. The Chapter then met at 2011 Princess Anne Street until Prince Hall Lodge #61 opened its new lodge hall in September 2014 at 3418 Shannon Park Drive, Fredericksburg Virginia.
The first officers and Charter Members are: Waldo Brown, Rev. Samuel H. Carter SR, Jefferson Dyson, James Ferguson, Clarence Fortune, Fred Fortune, James Hunter, Frederick D. Jones, Willie H. Lee, Wayne Pendleton, Levi P. Scott, and John D. Whylie.
The first companions "Exalted" on February 16, 1980 were Bernard Reynolds, Eddie Moore, and Curtis Quarles.
W.W. Lee Members who are Past King Cyrus Grand Lodge Officers:
*PHP Tommy Campbell, Past Right Excellent Grand Outside Sentinel
*PHP Russell Martin, Past District Deputy Grand High Priest and Past Grand Worthy Joshua for Gilgal Court, Heroines of Jericho
*PHP Reginald V. Tolbert, Past Right Excellent Grand Master of the 3rd Vail
*PHP Larry D. Baker, Past Right Excellent Grand Royal Arch Captain
*PHP Romer R. Ferguson, District Deputy Grand High Priest
W.W. Lee Members who are Current King Cyrus Grand Chapter Officers:
*PHP Steven “Shah” Legette, Right Excellent Deputy Grand High Priest
*PHP Romer R. Ferguson, District Deputy Grand High Priest
*PHP Robert S. Ashton, Jr. Right Excellent Grand Master of 3rd Vail
Honors for W.W. Lee and Membership:
*W.W. Lee was named Chapter of the year 2009 under MEPHP Steven "Shah" Legette.
*EHP of the Year - Steven “Shah” Legette 2009
*Companion of Year - Robert S. Ashton, Jr.
*W.W. Lee was named Chapter of the Year 2011 under MEPHP David O. Tyler, Sr.
*Companion of the Year 2011 - Robert S. Ashton Jr.
Denotes * pass on to heavenly realm. among Prince Hall Freemasons.
The originator of this document is PHP Tommy Campbell. Prior to him, we had not kept up with the history of W.W. Lee No.72. PHP Robert S. Ashton, Jr. has followed suit to keep this document going in keeping it up-to-date. We hope those who follow us will continue to keep the history of W.W. Lee moving forward.